Song Chronicles: Somewhere Only We know

Well I remembered this song when I was alone in my room in the guesthouse. This song is quite dreamy and full of relaxing ambience. It talks about how sometimes when we are away from home, we start seeing the nature more deeply than ever, we start talking to people more openly than ever, and that we start relating to their idea and views more closely.
The song talks about how the singer is moving through a beautiful forest  , the imagery used in the song is very vivid and lively, this song just makes your mind imagine a forest, and you are standing right in the middle of a canopy of trees. Moreover I think there is more symbolism to the song than just the lyrics, it talks about how when we are away from home, you start outgrowing your old identity and start becoming a new person all to together. You start actually relating to other people’s ideas,views, and opinion more openly, and start to respect their views, which you would otherwise never understand, because we are self-obsessed with ourselves that we don’t think beyond our little closed minds.
Afterwards the song goes to a completely different direction. When you are happy, relaxed and not feeling lonely in a place away from home, you still long for your home, even when sometimes home is not necessarily a better place. We human beings are always driven to go to this place, where we have our loved ones, our close friends and buds, even when home in general may not always be a pleasant place to be, painful memories might haunt you, they will leave you even more lonely, it is sometimes a place where people already have an opinion about you, and even if you try to change that it is difficult. When you are away from such  a place you forget about the problems about that place, the things that trouble you don’t bother you.
It is hard to say this but sometimes home is a dreadful place to return to when you find a place way better than that. This is what I feel after hearing this song.