Song Chronicles: Mother

On the advent of mother’s day, I went to my iPod, and listened to the song mother by the greatest band, Pink Floyd. Well this song made me tear-eyed, and it makes up all the characters each and every mother in this world.

This song is actually is divided into 2 distinct verses- one verse is a conversation of a very young boy with his mother, and the other verse talks about the conversation between an adolescent/adult man with his old mother. The mother is the most endearing and kindest person in the world. She is the person, who always has to answer the questions of a child. Moreover she always takes care that the answers are not too harsh, and are not demeaning, but rather they are optimistic,positive and encouraging, even when the latter(reality) is the bitter truth. Mom always takes care of us when we are sick and sad. She always tries to solve the dilemmas, a young one faces. Well this is all that is discussed in the first verse/paragraph.
The Artwork of their famous album “The Wall”. Mother is one of the song of this album
Well as the child grows old, his relationship becomes somewhat different from the one shared when he is a child. She is indeed smothering, protective, she always checks his friends. Even when her son is almost an adult, he still asks his mother questions- questions about how his life partner would be, is she worth it or not, and still she clears the doubts faced by her child. For every mother, the child never grows up(not literally,figuratively), he is still  baby, she will obviously take care of the child’s friends, protect her child from bad influence and takes care of her child. Mother is compared to a mother bird, who will let her young one sing from her nest, but will not the child wander into uncharted territories. The lyrics beautifully captures each and every trait of a mother.
All I have to say is that now after writing this article, I feel like crying and I am completely indebt to my mother. Wishing each mother in this world a very happy mother’s day. 🙂 😀